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Transitioning U

It has been said that everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the most important of human freedoms—to choose one’s own way, to choose one’s attitude in any circumstance.

But as the pace of your life continues to accelerate, and your stress level keeps rising, you may need someone to actively listen to help you gain insight, acceptance and perspective.

Life in the 21st Century is about resource management, and your greatest resource is your “energy.” The key to living a vibrant life is to understand what it means to be in “right relationship,” with self, others, things, and situations.

By learning how to focus more clearly on the here and now, you can become more aware of your choices and better prepared to make the ones that serve your deepest values and highest goals.


Transitions begin with an ending and letting go (awareness stage), then it drops into a place of not knowing and uncertainty (allowing stage), and then there is a new beginning (action stage). These stages are not meant to be linear or exclusive (one can experience all three in a day), but just a pathway to help the mind settle into the “process" after the “event." It is the spaciousness of the "allowing stage" that enables you to examine existing assumptions and beliefs, explore opportunities and challenges and ultimately make wise choices.




When I was first introduced to Ralph’s simple ‘three-step process,’ I questioned how it could possibly help my complicated situation. It wasn't his words but the depth of his conviction that all would be well, even if we couldn't define what well would look like.

Linda S., CEO, Briarcliff Manor, NY


I was completely overwhelmed by my life. The demands of my job, the expectations of my husband and responsibilities of children caught up with me. It was Ralph who allowed me to see beyond the externals and develop an inner peace.

Donna M.,  Armonk, NY


Ralph was the first grown-up I ever sat with who listened to me without preaching. Eventually I was able to hear him, and he offered me good advice and some great tools which I know will be useful when I return
to college.

Ryan B., Bedford, NY


Having reached the stage in our marriage where we had to struggle with the loss of parents, becoming empty-nesters and transitioning into the next phase of our journey together, Ralph has been nothing short of a true blessing. We are so grateful to him for his spot on insight and wisdom.

Bernie & Isabel M., Irvington, NY



© 2015 Ralph Cioffi

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